Rohan Palace
Site of the Town Hall since 1837, the Archbishop's palace, known as the Rohan Palace, was built between 1772 and 1778 by the city architect François Richard Bonfin and Joseph Etienne, for the Archbishop of Bordeaux, Maximilien Mériadec, Prince of Rohan Guéméné. It replaced the old Archbishop's palace from the Middle Ages, which occupied the north west corner of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew.
The Rohan Palace consists of one huge main building flanked by two low wings at right angles. The courtyard formed in this way is enclosed by an arcaded portico open onto the street, the centre of which opens out into a monumental gate.
The decoration of the rooms is the work of the sculptor Cabirol. The monumental ground floor staircase is considered one of the masterpieces of French stereotomy.